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Registration Online Event

Surety providers face the challenge of integrating a variety of stakeholders into their business processes - from onboarding new customers and broker interaction to managing and utilizing surety bonds. The respective end users expect fast, seamless communication without system interruptions in order to minimize their administrative effort and costs.

In this online event, we will present innovative solutions that are tailored to the various user areas. We will show you how standardized interfaces can integrate individual solutions, enable independent and efficient communication and foster smooth collaboration. We will also look at the opportunities offered by the integration of APIs and highlight the challenges that can arise in the process.

Join our online event to learn how these challenges can be overcome and how APIs can become a real game changer in business connectivity.

You will be able to answer the following questions after the online event:

  • What exactly are these APIs that everyone is talking about and what opportunities do they offer?
  • Which possibilities are there to facilitate the integration of systems?
  • How can I digitally connect different market players without media disruptions?

Register now and secure your spot!